The Quest for Divine Power
No one really knows when and how the first humans were created, appeared or existed. It doesn’t matter much because this knowledge has no real importance and no bearing whatsoever on the continuation of the human race. Since their first existence, humans have created humans, and no one else, or nothing else has had any lasting influence or fatal effect on this project. We are today in a continuous whirlwind of creation that, short of earth being shattered into pieces by a sizable meteorite collision, only humans could put an end to, thanks to their immense awakening or because of their deep ignorance.
For the rest of this text, let us refer to the entities that created the first humans or enabled their appearance or existence, through everything else they created in this universe, as Gods. To avoid the introduction of another word to refer to the entities, equally unknown, which are responsible for the abnormal death of human beings, meaning not from old age, let us also include this ability in the attributes of Gods. So, Gods are the entities responsible for the existence and abnormal death of all human beings.
As far as creation is concerned Gods gave humans all the tools and the secrets to multiply without Their help. Even more, Gods relinquished this responsibility altogether, and They became, purposely or mistakenly, fully dependent on humans to produce another human on this earth. That is also true for any being, not only human beings!
If we focus our attention on the other side of the life coin, on death or destruction, we find a different situation. Gods gave humans all the means to eliminate other humans or any being, but, unlike for creation, They also kept the power to destroy any human, group of them, or anything else on this earth, out of the control of humans. Moreover, over time, Their capabilities, through the power they embedded in all things they created, to execute mass and random killings, have been awfully demonstrated and have only been matched by Their incapacity to create, alone, a single being, human or otherwise, or any part of them.
Creation is a difficult, long and painful process. It requires sustained effort, sacrifice and giving, to avoid having its outcome join the second project of Gods, destruction! Creation is not within the reach of everyone, however destruction absolutely is! The death project has a variety of colors and sounds, especially when it comes to the creators of death, Gods!
Gods kill children and adolescents. They kill adults and old people. They kill slowly with painful and incurable illnesses and They kill fast with heart attacks and natural catastrophes. They kill violently with fire or water and They kill gently with mind loss and comas. They kill the kind and the hypocrite. They kill the sane and the insane, the giants and the dwarfs, the killers and the creators, the takers and the givers; … They kill and kill with extreme simplicity and normality. In front of Gods, all people and beings are equal! There is no sane human rationale or logic that could explain Gods’ design, timing, or plan for destruction. The only certain fact is that we are all created to be destroyed one day! We all came on this earth, to be eventually offered on the altar of death, there is no escape from this sure outcome! So what options does this « born to die » being have? What can these humans, who were created to disappear shortly after, do? What can the ephemeral entities do to feel some kind of eternity?
All beings have created and continue to do so. For all beings, creating is simply surviving, only humans have given creation a divine meaning. For humans creating is, to a large extent, feeling like Gods. But the real question is: “is that enough? What else can humans do to get closer to Gods?”
Some humans, the ones obsessed with higher powers, realized that creating is only half of Gods’ equation! To feel completely like Gods, they needed to kill, murder and offer any being and specifically their fellow humans on the altar of death, exactly as the Gods do. So, deeply convinced and attracted by this unique insight, they embarked on this thrilling killing mission! Some have undergone a series of well-organized mass murders of their fellow humans or anything that surrounds them. With nuclear, chemical and “conventional” weapons (there is a lot irony and barbarism in the fact that they call some of the weapons “conventional”, implying that most people convene to agree and accept that these weapons are sort of okay), sophisticated machinery, and advanced technologies they destroyed people, forests, mountains, rivers, wild life, … with all the theatrical and dramatic elements that make them feel they are imitating Gods almighty when these latter destroy 250,000 people with one wave of water, one strong wind, one quiver of the earth, or one lava of fire. Some illuminated gurus have assembled a group of weak minds around them, and decided to commit collective suicides in glory of their idols, Gods! Some butchers have sent their armies to die in the name of some ideology or to defend some idea, and the fact that in almost every one of these wars Gods were not far away is not a pure coincidence. In truth the main purpose of these killings was to make these Gods wannabes feel like accomplished Gods, full of the divine power to ruthlessly kill at will!
Examples of human artful mastery of killing abound. History books, by the millions, and current events, by the thousands, are filled with them! Many of these killers have excelled in the execution of their mission, none of them has become divine. Few became divinely hated by the rest of humanity, and the vast majority joined the billions of born, died and forgotten.
Humans, afraid from tomorrow and weak when facing time, have been trying during all their existence to get closer to the illusion of their imagination, their eternity, their Gods. In their many attempts, they have fantasized a lot about this illusion, and their imagination has taken them to new and fantastic places. After every failure in reaching their divine status, they have woken up sore, bitter, with a deep hangover and further away from the illusion of their imagination, but they have kept trying, with more conviction, more creation, and more killings … Over time the ways of creation and destruction have become more sophisticated, subtler, more cynical, more effective, but nonetheless still subservient to a volcano, a tsunami, an earthquake, or a meteorite stranded in space, still subservient to Gods!
One day, every human, no matter how many beings or things they have created or destroyed, will realize that their time among the livings is over, and their quest for divinity has reached its end, on that day with more soreness, more bitterness and with a deeper hangover, and they will scream: “my power, my divinity, why have you forsaken me?”. Then they would die and at best be mentioned in some history book and remembered, in a bad or a good way, or quoted every now and then, rightly or wrongly, until, with the passing time, they are entirely forgotten…