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The Sources of Rebellion

“Rebellion is the only way to carry on living in this absurd world”

Albert Camus, French philosopher and writer

To search, every day, for justice and prosperity and to only find oppression and poverty,

To want to live in dignity and freedom, the basic gifts of life, while those who are supposed to provide them to you are constantly depriving you from the power to uphold any dignity and the hope to achieve any freedom,

To share the lives of families dying from hunger and illness while others are stuffed with food and drugged with medicine, and you are a helpless spectator,

To be forced to leave your country to make a living while you worship every grain of its sand and every breeze of its air,

To live in a country where you need to explain every idea you express and every story you tell, while you left behind people who understand you without words,

To see your child fighting to push his way out of his mother womb into this life, while his bowels wrapped around this neck are stifling him a little bit more with every push, and you have no power to help him except to pray for a miracle to happen before it is too late,

To feel the sadness of your father after he lost all his life work because of the greed of some people and you don’t own a dime to help him,

To helplessly watch your brother while he’s drowning in worldly problems and you are unable to throw him a lifeline for his rescue,

To find your beloved falling in love with another man, and you don’t know what you did or didn’t do to keep her, or what you should do to win her back,

To witness your loved ones tearing each other apart for insignificant matters, while asserting to you that you don’t have any power to bring them back together,

To be perpetually giving, while everyone around you is counting the seconds, the words and the cents,

To consume your energy trying to better the life of some, while they drain every strength left in you with their despair, egoism, and defeatism,

To see the meaning of life with such clarity, while the people surrounding you are oblivious of the meaning of their awakening in the morning,

When the days are running away, stealing the lives of the dearest people to your heart, while you are incapable of spending a minute on their side before it is too late,

When you remain alone crying on the ghosts of a past that will never come back, while facing a future you wish it would never happen,

When giants die and dwarfs thrive, when disappointment reigns and joy hides, when disgust rules and pride is slain,

When all these emotions are your daily companions, then you will have joined the journey of the conscious, the curious and the hungry souls, you will have touched the bottom of stagnation and the beginning of action, you will have approached the end of reason and the peak of explosion, then you will have experienced with blinding clarity the true feeling of IMPOTENCE (powerlessness)!

From this impotence is born another feeling, seminal to the history of humanity. This new feeling finds its source in the depths of our hearts, gradually grows to dominate our brains and senses, motivates and incites us to undertake actions surpassing our normal human abilities. When we feel it, our hearts swell in our chests, our resolve grows stronger than ever before, we decide and plan, then we design and execute with unprecedented courage and violence.

With our first victories or defeats, the effects of this feeling invade our logic and we become incapable of thinking or acting except within its context and according to its will. Our speech becomes colored by its vocabulary and our actions charged with its energy.

The existence and prosperity of this feeling depend on its immaculate composition. If any flaw infects it, then it starts to decompose and eventually disintegrates and vanishes; exactly like a virus when attacked by the right medicine, it gets weaker and then the body eliminates it. Nowadays, there are vaccines that protect the body from the invasion of physical viruses, equally this feeling, this mental virus, has its own vaccines, which are created by the positive results of its own actions. This feeling works on its own elimination. When its goals are achieved, their outcomes become the most powerful instruments to destroy it.

This feeling is the most violent, indivisible, egalitarian, and intolerant of its kind. Impotence is its father, frustration is its mother and oppression is its natural environment. This feeling is RAGE!

From impotence and rage revolutions are born, nations are erected, and states are built to fight poverty and oppression, to bestow civil peace and social justice, to ensure the right conditions for freedom, dignity and prosperity to all citizens, and most importantly to eliminate impotence and rage!!!

Round and round on this ever-repeating cycle, we carry on living in this absurd world!


We are here to spend few years and then disappear. We try our best to enjoy as many of these years as our luck and will allow. Knowing more about life and understanding some of its intricacies will give us more chances to succeed in our quest for joy. The eternal comedy is a collection of ideas, reflections and observations on many of the ingredients that are critical to understand life.

None of the articles will provide the reader with any answer to any of the useless questions of where do we come from, where are we going and why are we here. The knowledge and maybe the wisdom the readers might get out of the articles, whether they like them or not, will help them in answering the most important question:
how can we create in our life more joy than sorrow and more happiness than sadness?” 


I decided to stop informing this section to allow me full flexibility in publishing the articles that inspire me on any given date. Sometimes, structure is a bad thing! 


Copyright © 2015 The Eternal Comedy. All rights reserved.

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