Of Good and Evil
Existence and origins of good and evil?
First Attempt – fear is the source
Humans developed the idea of good and evil when they started to experience fear: fear of pain, fear of failure, fear of suffering, fear of death, …
This fear, acquired from our experience in our environment since the beginning of our existence, has created a scale by which we measure and assess what to do and what to avoid. This scale, implanted in our genes through time and history, gave birth to the notion of good (do) and evil (don’t).
As an example, a human, when facing a potential enemy, would apply the following reasoning: “I don’t eliminate my enemy, fearing that a stronger enemy will then eliminate me.” Therefore, the act of not eliminating the enemy, while perceived to be a good deed, is in reality nothing more than the fruit of the human experience fearing the potential consequences of such an act.
We do “good” hoping to receive “good”, and we do “evil” when we don’t fear if “evil” comes back in return.
Second Attempt – power is the cause
Firstly, it is important to highlight that duality exists in everything. Otherwise there is no energy, no life, otherwise there is nothing. Therefore, the existence of good immediately implies the existence of evil and vice versa. Then, the question becomes “Does good (or evil) exist? And where does it come from?”
There is [good; evil] because, in our constant and historical strive for power, aimed at providing us with joy and peace of mind, and keeping away from us sadness and anxiety, we generate words and actions, that could be felt or interpreted by others as good (provide them more power) or evil (take power from them). Whatever the feeling or the interpretation, good or evil, by the principle of duality, if one exists, then the other exists as well.
Can we, unequivocally, differentiate between good and evil?
The possible distinction between good and evil depends on three factors:
The social/cultural environment where the words/actions take place
The context and the way in which the words are uttered or the actions are carried out
The perception of the people subjected to the words/actions
Therefore the answer is to the above question is a plain: No, we cannot unequivocally differentiate between good and evil!
Are there an absolute good or an absolute evil?
Every word/action produces an Energy (E), and this energy can be positive or negative, but never null. Even the most neutral words/actions in appearance like: chair, sky, tree, drink, breathe, etc., do have a positive and a negative energy depending on the 3 factors listed above.
During an interaction among people where many words are exchanged and many actions are taken, over a certain period of time, the Total Energy (TE) resulting from this interaction is the sum of all units of Energy (E), produced by each word and action. When TE is positive, then “good” is prevalent, and when TE is negative, then “evil” is predominant.
In that context, the absolute evil or the absolute good have no real meaning. Good and evil always co-exist; they are one of the quintessential examples of the concept of relativity.
Should we do what seems to be good and refrain from doing what seems to be evil?
In reality we must do what brings us peace of mind and joy, and what keeps anxiety and sadness away from us. To be able to achieve that, we need to always do what makes us more powerful, spiritually, materially, mentally and physically. Good and Evil are the inevitable by-products of our acquisition of power.
In conclusion, the notion of good and evil is a human system, invented to control humans in their eternal quest for power. This system holds in three simple rules:
If you do what humanity makes you believe is evil, you will suffer from guilt.
If you do what humanity decides is evil; you will suffer from physical punishment (prison, sanctions, embargo, wars, torture, …).
If you do what humanity makes you believe or decide is good, then you can live a peaceful and boring life, steadily sliding with the passing time towards the awaiting death.