The Inimitable Story
Every year, on the 25th of December, Jesus is reborn, and then he is killed and resurrects, 3 or 4 months later. Some years 3 months,...
Often we wonder whether people we meet or we spend time with are constantly judging us? And the simple answer is: “Yes, they are!”. It is...
Timing and Style
There is no doubt that content is extremely important for any communication. Content is composed of three things: the meaning that we...
The Logic Prison
Certain circumstances, which escaped him or he purposely ignored, carried him towards a very unique philosophy in his life. Whatever he...
The Surprise
From the discovery of the pregnancy until the newborn hopefully becomes old and dies, life is a string of surprises! Saint Mary was...
The Misplaced Treasure
An unknown force, whose name never ceased to be debated since the beginning of human time, conceived me. Other forces shaped me and...
The 11 Essential Wisdoms of Jesus
1. Forgive them, for they know not what they do. Luke 23:34 “Don’t forgive* them if they don’t know what they do … because they will do...
Our Father, Our Mother
Our Father, Our Mother who is far away, come to us on earth where we need you more than anywhere else. May your Name be a slogan of...
Together for Life
One page is turned and a new one is opened One life fades away for a new life to take form One journey ends and another one starts And...
The Sources of Rebellion
“Rebellion is the only way to carry on living in this absurd world” Albert Camus, French philosopher and writer To search, every day, for...