The question that matters
Our conscious life starts with a question. The path we then follow depends on that initial question, on the answer we bring to it, and on...
They left everything behind them and followed their friend. They vowed their lives to him. They were always together, sharing the joys,...
In our moments of weakness, we look for strength outside of our inner self. We start with the people closest to us, we knock on few...
Holding it Together
When I meet someone for the first time, the first thing I wish to tell them is: “please don’t tell me the truth, ever! Thank you for your...
The Other ...
... And the five plights of human relations. It is when we realize that the other person exists that we really start to exist, beyond the...
Those who matter
Speak your mind. Tell your heart. Be yourself. Who wouldn’t agree with these statements? Probably no one. How often these exact attitudes...
The Privileges
When people hear the word “privileges”, they think power, status, money. Yes, these are privileges, but accessible only to few people....
Our Known Secrets
Humans are complex beings, at least most of them are! This complexity leads to many kinds of people ranging from the intriguing...
Dark Souls
When I was a child, 6-7 years old, my aunt told me a story that stayed with me since that time. When I first heard it, I was sad and...
Breeding little monsters
What follows is the story of two brothers that life brought together, as they were born and grew up in the same family! The younger...